Can You Do the Broken Shore Intro Again
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Start | Knight Dameron [19.0, 26.v] ![]() ![]() |
Finish | Genn Greymane [20.1, 34.9] ![]() ![]() |
Level | 10-45 |
Category | Stormwind City |
Reputation | +250 Stormwind |
Rewards | Item level 685 weapon |
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- i Objectives
- 2 Description
- 3 Rewards
- four Notes
- 4.1 Phase 1: The Broken Shore
- 4.2 Stage ii: Storm The Beach
- 4.iii Stage 3: Defeat the Commander
- 4.4 Stage 4: Notice Varian
- 4.5 Stage 5: Destroy the Portal
- Stage 6: Raze the Black City
- 4.7 Stage 7: The Highlord
- 4.8 Stage eight: Krosus
- 4.9 Last Stage: Stop Gul'dan
- 4.9.i Cinematic
- 4.10 Finale
- 5 Completion
- vi Gains
- 7 Progression
- 8 Patch changes
- ix References
- ten External links
- 11 Objectives
- 12 Description
- 13 Rewards
- 14 Completion
- 15 Notes
- 15.1 Stage i: The Broken Shore
- fifteen.2 Stage 2: Tempest The Beach
- fifteen.3 Stage 3: Defeat the Commander
- xv.4 Stage 4: Discover the Others
- 15.v Stage 5: Destroy the Portal
- 15.6 Stage half-dozen: Raze the Black Metropolis
- 15.7 Stage 7: The Highlord
- fifteen.viii Stage 8: Krosus
- xv.nine Final Phase: Hold the Ridge
- xv.9.1 Cinematic
- 15.x Finale
- 16 Progression
- 17 Patch changes
- 18 References
- 19 External links
Take the tertiary fleet transport to the Cleaved Shore.
- Ship taken to the Broken Shore
- Cleaved Shore assaulted
This is your vessel, <name>. She's a fine ship, been through many a campaign. Speak with the ship'south captain when you're ready to depart.
Good luck out there. We've received few reports virtually what's happening at the Broken Shore, but I'd wager King Varian has matters well in hand.
![]() | [Stormwind Vanguard Longbow] | ![]() | [Stormwind Vanguard Dagger] | |
![]() | [Stormwind Vanguard Polearm] | ![]() | [Stormwind Vanguard Quickblade] | |
![]() | [Stormwind Vanguard Battle Mace] | ![]() | [Stormwind Vanguard Stave] | |
![]() | [Stormwind Vanguard Mageblade] | ![]() | [Stormwind Vanguard Waraxe] | |
![]() | [Stormwind Vanguard Bonegrinder] | ![]() | [Stormwind Vanguard Splitter] |
- Captain Angelica
- Welcome aboard, <proper noun>.
- Nosotros're all stocked and ready to ship out but equally soon equally you're fix.
I am fix to face the Legion.
Are you prepared to face the Legion at the Broken Shore? (Accept/Cancel)
- A cutscene plays, showing the third fleet shipping out.
Inside the scenario begins the Alliance perspective of the boxing for the Cleaved Shore.
Stage 1: The Broken Shore

World map
- Travel to the Broken Shore.
Once the cutscene finishes, the thespian is on Captain Angelica's battleship, sailing toward the Broken Shore. Upward to xl players (xx Alliance and 20 Horde) can take function in the scenario and the difficulty volition calibration to handle all comers. In the showtime twenty seconds, other players who as well say they are ready to start the scenario will join the example automatically. Later xx seconds, the NPCs starting time talking:
- Helm Angelica says: Smoothen sailing so far. Give me a status report.
- First Mate Tidesong says: Rex Wrynn and the Stormwind Fleet arrived several hours agone. Reports indicate heavy fighting.
- Captain Angelica says: I haven't seen and so much as a seagull for hours now.
- Get-go Mate Tidesong says: There is a foulness in the air, and we are headed directly towards it.
- Captain Angelica says: Directly ahead, Alliance ships! Brand for the beach! Concur on anybody, this is going to get worse before it gets improve!
- The ship turns, and the fel energy above the Tomb of Sargeras comes into view.
- Captain Angelica says: Light's sake, what is THAT?
- First Mate Tidesong says: It appears to be a great source of fel energy. I have never seen anything like it.
- A cutscene takes identify every bit siege cannons start bombarding the ships with fel fireballs.
Stage 2: Storm The Embankment

A spire of woe.
- Destroy all demons and structures on the beach.
- 33 Demons slain
- 3 Fel Lords slain
- 3 Spires of Woe destroyed
Once the cutscene finishes, Captain Angelica's battleship is now ashore, called-for with fel fire. Many of the deck hands are expressionless, and Angelica and her first mate are trying to put off the flames. On the beach, Jaina Proudmoore and Genn Greymane are each leading pocket-sized squads of Kirin Tor Battle-Mages, Gilnean Imperial Guards and Gilnean Druids. Several cannons are also here, manned by Ironforge Cannoneers. A few Darnassus Sentinels are there too. Many Alliance battleships are wrecked around the shoreline and several Stormwind Gryphons are expressionless on the ground. Players then gain the For the Brotherhood buff which makes them stronger.
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: The third armada reinforcements!
- Genn Greymane yells: Just in time. We haven't been able to suspension their line. At present we may accept a chance.
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: Information technology's at present or never, Genn!
- Genn shifts to worgen grade.
- Genn Greymane yells: There'south only ane way out of this, Brotherhood, and information technology's through that line of demons! Cannons, lay downwards covering fire! All forces, CHARGE!
- Dread Commander Arganoth yells: Do not let them reach the spires!
The NPCs accuse toward one of the three spires, guarded by 11 demons (amongst them Felguard Legionnaires and Felstalker Dreadhounds) and a Fel Lord (amongst them Fel Lord Kurduz, Fel Lord Rakkan and Fel Lord Zardak) each. Start killing the demons equally well as the Anchoring Crystals surrounding the Spires of Woe. Jaina realizes that they're of import:
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: Those crystals appear to be anchoring the structures to our dimension. Take them out, and I bet the whole structure would crumble!
- Genn Greymane yells: Let's hope you're right.
Random yells:
- Genn Greymane yells: Side by side, don't allow them pause through!
- Genn Greymane yells: Go for the throat!
- Genn Greymane yells: This one's mine!
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: Laying downwardly a blizzard!
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: Putting this 1 on water ice!
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: My magic volition tear you apart!
Later destroying the kickoff spire:
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: It worked!
- Genn Greymane yells: 1 downward, two to go.
- Dread Commander Arganoth yells: Suspension them!
In minor groups, follow the NPCs - don't take the lead. Allow Jaina and Genn tank! Repeat the process for the 2d spire:
- Genn Greymane yells: 1 more and the shore is ours!
- Dread Commander Arganoth yells: You lot march to your doom!
Destroy the third spire to advance to the next stage.
Phase 3: Defeat the Commander

The gunship that transported Varian Wrynn, after identified equally the Lion's Oath.
- Slay Dread Commander Arganoth.
Dread Commander Arganoth slain
- Dread Commander Arganoth yells: You wish to face up the might of the Legion? Ha, very well. The primary volition reward me for your souls.
- Genn Greymane yells: Finally, plenty of your chatter.
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: We've got him at present! Focus on their commander!
- Dread Commander Arganoth yells: Your souls will fuel the soul forge!
Arganoth lands in the centre of the beach. Again, let the NPCs tank him. He has the same area of effect attacks as the fel lords, so they're easy to dodge.
At 75%:
- Dread Commander Arganoth yells: The legion will crush yous! INFERNO!
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: Await out, infernals!
At 30%:
- Genn Greymane yells: Yous should have stayed domicile!
- Dread Commander Arganoth yells: The main will mend my flesh again and again. You take non won. You cannot win. We are endless. We are Legion!
- Dread Commander Arganoth yells: I... will.. render...
Stage 4: Detect Varian

A Legion ship bombarding the Alliance'south forces.
- Locate Male monarch Varian Wrynn.
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Is everyone all right?
- Genn Greymane says: Singed, but alive. We lost many expert troops.
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: We'll have to mourn them subsequently, we need to move before more demons go far.
- Genn Greymane says: Agreed.
Jaina, Genn, and their troops start running uphill to the due north. Keep up.
- Genn Greymane says: Varian's forces should have landed just effectually this hill, let's hope they had more luck.
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: I've never seen the demons expand this quickly.
- Genn Greymane says: Neither accept I. Something has changed, this isn't the same legion we've fought before.
As the party crests the hill, looking over a ridge to the due north, the Tomb of Sargeras itself comes into view. A cutscene shows the environs, where a huge demon city and the wreck of the Horde gunship that transported Sylvanas Windrunner can be seen:
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Oh no...
- Genn Greymane says: This isn't possible. In that location are so many of them.
- Legion ships offset warping in equally the camera tracks to Varian's position, with Gelbin Mekkatorque in tow.
- King Varian Wrynn yells: Hold fast, Alliance! Nosotros will non fall this mean solar day! Push button them dorsum to the portal!
- Varian is surrounded by Stormwind Knights, Stormwind Priests, Exodar Vindicators and Gnomeregan Tinkerers. Mekkatorque himself is driving a steam armor. The cutscene ends every bit Varian'southward forces are about to assault another ring of demons. The Legion ships starts bombarding the area.
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: Varian!
- Genn Greymane yells: Let's become!
Follow Genn and Jaina down the hill, dodging the bombardment. If you die here, you will be resurrected by Alliance Priests working similarly to those in battlegrounds.
Stage 5: Destroy the Portal
- Destroy the demon portal to stop reinforcements.
- iv Shielded Anchors shattered
- King Varian Wrynn says: Genn, Jaina, information technology'southward skillful to see you safe.
- Genn Greymane says: And you.
- Gelbin Mekkatorque says: We've got to take down this portal!
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: The anchoring crystals are the key, just become us up there and we'll have care of it.
Finish off the Mo'arg Painbringer, and so blitz the portal. Another painbringer will run out of the portal, only let the NPCs tank information technology. Focus instead on the Eredar Anarchy Guards protecting the Shielded Anchors.
- King Varian Wrynn yells: Form up, Alliance! We push them back to the portal! For Azeroth!
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: Focus on the crystals!
Random yells:
- King Varian Wrynn yells: Back where y'all came from!
- Male monarch Varian Wrynn yells: We're pushing them dorsum! Keep information technology up!
- King Varian Wrynn yells: For the Alliance!
- Gelbin Mekkatorque yells: Back to the Under with you!
- Gelbin Mekkatorque yells: For Gnomeregan!
- Gelbin Mekkatorque yells: Taste equalizer!
Finish off the last anchor to keep to the next stage.
Phase 6: Raze the Black City

The Black City seen from a ridge.
- Attack the demon urban center.
- Assault the demon city. (0/100%)
- Male monarch Varian Wrynn yells: Heal the wounded, we cannot residuum for long.
Follow the group downwardly the hill.
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: What happened hither?
- Gelbin Mekkatorque says: It happened in seconds! We were fighting our mode up the shore and then Blast, explosions of fel energy all around us. And these buildings just grew up out of them, filled with demons! I don't know how we're going to be able to push them back at this charge per unit!
- King Varian Wrynn yells: I demon at a time. With me, Brotherhood, go out naught standing!
As the party is about to enter the city, many dead Silver Dawnbringers can be seen in a gruesome display. They come beyond a live merely wounded i:
- King Varian Wrynn yells: You're from the Crusade! What happened? Where is Tirion?
- Silverish Dawnbringer says: Don't know... they were on united states of america in seconds... felfire everywhere...
- Genn Greymane says: Relieve your strength, nosotros volition find him.
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: Keep your optics open for survivors! Save every bit many as you can!
Many of the crusaders are impaled on spikes or put on body piles, but some of them are still alive and can be saved. Outset killing demons, freeing trapped crusaders, commandeering unattended cannons, breaking portals, destroying spires, then on. Don't wander around alone - stick with the friendly NPCs! Freed crusaders volition deed every bit guardians to the thespian. Doom Shrooms, Moongrasses, Chaos Clovers, Bleakthorns and Felblooms are local plants that tin be clicked on to provide buffs.
Fill the bar to continue.
Stage 7: The Highlord
- Get to Tirion.
- Genn Greymane says: They're retreating.
- Male monarch Varian Wrynn says: I get the feeling that the fight isn't over yet.
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: Varian, I institute him! Look, across the chasm, Tirion!
- The photographic camera tracks across the chasm and some ways away to find Tirion, suspended over a pit of fel lava past Gul'dan!
- Rex Varian Wrynn yells: All forces, to Jaina!
On the other side of the cutscene, all players and NPCs accept been teleported to Jaina'due south position near the chasm. She is forming an ice bridge to clear the gap.
- Gelbin Mekkatorque says: How are we going to get across?
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: I've got this.
Cross the ice bridge and follow the trail of Dessicated Crusaders to the Tomb Approach. Tirion Fordring, Gul'dan, and the Horde forces volition be at that place likewise.
- King Varian Wrynn yells: Tirion!
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Gul'dan! Y'all will pay for this!
- Highlord Tirion Fordring says: Stay back... information technology'southward a trap... the Light will protect me...
- Gul'dan yells: Hah, you fool! Yous stand up before the temple of a GOD. Your sorry Light cannot attain yous here. How fortunate that your friends have arrived just in fourth dimension to sentinel you die.
- Krosus, a dominate-level demon, appears from the lava.
- Gul'dan yells: Destroy him.
- Krosus channels some kind of breath attack on Tirion.
- Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: The Light... will... aah! Aaahhhh!!
- Tirion's lifeless corpse falls beneath the surface of the lava pool.
- Thrall yells: Fordring!
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: No!
- Gul'dan yells: All you accept worked for, all you have sacrificed, just to run across your champions fall to ash one by i.
- Gul'dan yells: Destroy them!
Stage viii: Krosus
- Kill Krosus.
Krosus slain
- Krosus yells: You will know fear.
- King Varian Wrynn yells: Brace yourselves, Brotherhood, it's coming this way!
Krosus runs through the lava, stopping at the border of the pool, conveniently in range of melee attacks. As e'er, let the NPCs tank. The Krosus encounter is a tank-and-spank, and Krosus has a Slam attack that amercement enemies within ~10 yards or so, an Orb of Destruction that drops a fireball on a ~30-one thousand radius area of effect, and a channeled Fel Tempest that drops fel fireballs all over the loonshit for a few seconds. Every 25%, he will bandy to confront the other faction, and the Brotherhood gets first scissure.
At 75%, Krosus turns to attack the Horde.
- Male monarch Varian Wrynn yells: He's heading your way, Windrunner!
- Lady Sylvanas Winderunner yells: Let'south go, Horde, information technology's time to show the Alliance how we slay demons.
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: Beasts from the felfire emerge, be careful!
As the Horde were dealing with trash mobs in the offset phase, and so now will Brotherhood deal with trash mobs from 75-fifty%.
At l%, Krosus turns back to face the Alliance.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: All yours, Alliance.
- King Varian Wrynn yells: Nosotros've got him this time! All forces, concentrate your fire!
Rinse and repeat down to 25%:
- Male monarch Varian Wrynn yells: You've got another shot at the impale, Sylvanas!
- Lady Sylvanas Winderunner yells: Consider your job done then, Wrynn.
Clear out the trash mobs, and then end Krosus off.
Concluding Stage: Stop Gul'dan
- Stop Gul'dan from summoning the Legion.
- Survived
- King Varian Wrynn yells: Ha, the bigger they are...
- Lady Sylvanas Winderunner yells: No time to gloat, Wrynn. We've got to finish Gul'dan earlier he summons another one of those things!
- King Varian Wrynn yells: Everyone, across the chasm!
Uh-oh, when the game asks for players to have 'Survived', that's a sign things are going to get poorly.
Jaina quickly summons some other ice bridge to get up to where Gul'dan was. Just on the other side, Varian and Sylvanas break for a moment.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: We'll accept the ridge and cover your flank.
- King Varian Wrynn says: Sylvanas, cheers.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Good luck, Varian.
- King Varian Wrynn says: And you.
Follow the path up to the Tomb of Sargeras. Now, if you approach Gul'dan too much yous volition be insta-killed by the gaze of Sargeras himself,[ane] with the message "You feel a staggering presence on the other side of the portal touch yous for a moment...".
- Male monarch Varian Wrynn yells: There is nowhere to run, Gul'dan. Give upwards now, and I will grant you lot a swift death.
- Gul'dan yells: Run? Ha. You are right, human being. In that location is nowhere to run from my master. Now, witness the truthful might of Lord Sargeras!
- Gul'dan summons a few dozen demon forces.
- King Varian Wrynn yells: Agree steady, we've cleaved their lines before and we will again. Accuse!
The ii-dozen non-elites attack and are quickly cut down.
- King Varian Wrynn yells: We will never fall to you, Gul'dan. The combined forces of Azeroth volition triumph today.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Less chatting, Wrynn. Kill him already!
- Gul'dan yells: I have seen the end of your pitiful world, Wrynn. You will perish in felfire, like ten 1000 worlds earlier your own. The legion is Countless.
- The side by side moving ridge of elites attacks, as Gul'dan summons in another moving ridge of even stronger demons, almost of which whom are the named demons defeated earlier in the scenario.
Stay alive, let the NPCs tank. Subsequently the second moving ridge is defeated...
- Male monarch Varian Wrynn yells: No matter how many demons you lot throw at us, we will cut yous downwardly, monster.
- Gul'dan summons an even stronger wave of demons, including many of the named demons players take faced over the past decade.
- Lord Jaraxxus yells: We return.
- Brutallus yells: To conquer this puny globe.
- Tichondrius the Darkener yells: And burn it to a husk.
- Gul'dan yells: Practise yous see now, whelp? The fate of this world is sealed. The Legion cannot be stopped.
- Gul'dan yells: And now you volition fall.
The next wave starts to assault as a cutscene plays, ending the scenario and the quest.
- As Sylvanas and her archers are picked off by felbats, Varian fights back an attacking felguard in the melee below.
- Varian Wrynn: Victory is ours! Hold fast! Mekkatorque!
- Mekkatorque looks over from his battle suit, raising his goggles.
- Varian Wrynn: We finish this now! Call in the gunship!
- Gelbin Mekkatorque: Way alee of you lot, sir! Transangulating our position right now!
- As he speaks, the cannon arm of his gunsuit raises and blasts an approaching felguard. Varian looks over at Greymane, the worgen wildly carving up a demon corpse.
- Varian Wrynn: Genn! GENN!
- Genn Greymane: My lord!
- Greymane bounds dorsum to the group.
- Varian Wrynn: Push button forward!
- Another swarm of felbats attacks their position.
- Varian Wrynn: And get Windrunner'southward archers to clear the skies!
- Of a sudden, a horn sounds - and the Forsaken archers autumn back from the ridge. Varian stares in horror.
- Varian Wrynn: No... she wouldn't...
- Greymane steps upwards next to him, outraged.
- Genn Greymane: I knew it! I knew we couldn't trust her!
- Every bit ordered, the Skyfire comes in to pick upward the survivors, blasting felbats out of the skies.
- Genn Greymane: Without the Horde, we'll be overrun! Nosotros must retreat!
- Varian sheathes Shalamayne as some other rank of felguards approaches.
- Varian Wrynn: Get everyone to the gunship.
- Genn Greymane: Everyone! Autumn Back!
- Growling in frustration, Varian climbs the rope ladder to the deck. In front of the Tomb of Sargeras, Gul'dan laughs every bit he raises his staff, opening a portal from above the Tomb, releasing a massive ball of felfire at the Skyfire.
- Genn Greymane: INCOMING! Difficult to port!
- The Skyfire moves speedily to port to avoid the fireball, which explodes on the footing below, shaking the gunship. Varian hangs on for dear life, but several Stormwind guards are knocked off and sent into the flames...from which emerges a massive fel reaver, which grasps the deck of the ship. Greymane shifts dorsum into his human grade and holds out his hand.
- Genn Greymane: Varian! Take my hand!
- Stormwind Guard: Nosotros can't break free!
- The send tilts almost xc degrees equally the fel reaver drags information technology towards the footing. Mekkatorque grabs the contrary railing and saves one human by the greatcoat, but many other Stormwind soldiers are seen falling off the send. Closing his eyes for a moment, Varian makes a decision...
- Genn Greymane: Varian! VARIAN!
- Varian reaches up... and easily Greymane a letter to Anduin, the one he narrated during the Legion introduction.
- Varian Wrynn: Take this... to my son.
- Greymane nods... as Varian leaps from the ladder, sword in hand, and impales the fel reaver through its armored head, breaking its grip on the Skyfire.
- Genn Greymane: Get become get!
- The Skyfire goes to full speed as Varian thrusts the sword completely through the automobile'south armored caput, bringing it crashing and exploding down to the ground. As he regains his bearings, Varian sees Gul'dan, with some other rank of felguards approaching. Splitting his blade into Shalla'tor and Ellemayne, Varian begins cutting through the demons, but he is overwhelmed as a felguard slashes him beyond his back, losing 1 of the blades...and so he is impaled from behind by two felguards' spears, dropping his other sword, and brought to his knees before Gul'dan.
- Gul'dan: Yous will exist remembered equally the king who sacrificed his life... for NOTHING.
- Breathing heavily, Varian raises his head and glares defiantly at Gul'dan.
- Varian Wrynn: For the Alliance.
- Laughing, Gul'dan begins overloading Varian's trunk with fel free energy. Varian screams as the power overwhelms him, and finally explodes. From the deck of the Skyfire, Greymane - clutching the letter to Anduin - screams in rage as the send retreats back to Stormwind. Discarded on the shoreline, the glow in the hilts of Varian's fallen blades fades and disappears.
On the other side of the scenario, the thespian is back on the deck of the Skyfire in Stormwind Harbor, having recovered from the battle and gotten upwards from the cot they were laying on. This isn't the instance for all the NPCs, equally many of the unnamed soldiers that followed the heroes to battle are still laying injured on deck. Something has visibly changed, though: many Gilnean soldiers are now on board. Gilnean Druids are taking care of the wounded, Gilnean Footmen are standing ready for battle behind Darius Crowley, and Genn is surrounded by two Gilnean Royal Guards. Gilnean Gryphons stand up gear up to transport adventurers.
- Genn Greymane says: Skillful to see you up, <proper noun>. I would inquire a favor before my ground forces leaves for war.
Speak with Genn to continue.
Ah, <name>, you're upwards! I'thousand relieved yous made it out of that bloodbath live. Nosotros lost and then many good women and men downwardly in that location...
<Genn Greymane clenches his teeth.>
Damn the Horde for serving us up to the Legion!
- +250 reputation with Stormwind
[x-45] Legion: The Legion Returns
[10-45] To Be Prepared
[ten-45] The Battle for Broken Shore
[10-45] The Fallen Lion
[10-45] Demons Among United states
[ten-45] Illidari Allies
[10-45] Calling of the Council — to the next story arc
Patch changes
Patch seven.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.
- ^
External links
- Wowhead
- Wowhead
![]() | |
Start | Stone Guard Mukar [55.6, 11.0] ![]() ![]() |
Cease | Eitrigg [57.2, 10.5] ![]() ![]() |
Level | 10-45 |
Category | Durotar |
Rewards | Item level 685 weapon |
Previous | ![]() |
Next | ![]() |
Take Captain Russo'south ship to the Broken Shore.
- Transport taken to the Broken Shore
- Broken Shore assaulted
Your warship awaits at the end of the dock, <proper name>. May your weapon bring you lot many kills today.
The Warchief has already fabricated landfall, I will wager y'all will simply demand to follow the trail of demon blood.
![]() | [Bonegrinder of the Horde Vanguard] | ![]() | [Longbow of the Horde Vanguard] | |
![]() | [Dagger of the Horde Vanguard] | ![]() | [Poleaxe of the Horde Vanguard] | |
![]() | [Quickblade of the Horde Vanguard] | ![]() | [Boxing Mace of the Horde Vanguard] | |
![]() | [Staff of the Horde Vanguard] | ![]() | [Mageblade of the Horde Vanguard] | |
![]() | [Waraxe of the Horde Vanguard] | ![]() | [Splitter of the Horde Vanguard] |
Glad to see you dorsum on your feet, <proper noun>. Many expert soldiers who sailed for the Broken Shore were not so fortunate.
- Captain Russo
- Welcome aboard, <proper noun>.
- Nosotros're all stocked and set to ship out just as soon equally you're ready.
I am set to face the Legion.
Are you prepared to face the Legion at the Broken Shore? Accept/Cancel
- A cutscene plays, showing the Horde armada shipping out.
Inside the scenario begins the Horde perspective of the battle for the Broken Shore.
Phase 1: The Cleaved Shore

World map
- Travel to the Broken Shore.
In one case the cutscene finishes, the player is on Captain Russo'southward ship, sailing toward the Broken Shore. Up to xl players (xx Alliance and xx Horde) tin can take office in the scenario and the difficulty will calibration to handle all comers. In the start twenty seconds, other players who also say they are ready to start the scenario will bring together the instance automatically. After 20 seconds, the NPCs start talking:
- Helm Russo says: Aroma that ocean air! It feels practiced to be out in the open water once again.
- Du'pre says: I'm sure dat payment from Orgrimmar had nothin' ta practice with it.
- Captain Russo says: There's an erstwhile goblin maxim that goes "the best bets use other people'south money."
- Du'pre says: Dat assumes nosotros gonna make it back.
- Helm Russo says: Any letters from Orgrimmar?
- Du'pre says: Sylvanas an' da main armada arrived a few hours ago. Demons coverin' da whole island.
- Captain Russo says: Already? How'd they get so many here so fast?
- Du'pre says: I got da feelin' nosotros gonna discover out.
- Captain Russo says: Alright Horde troops, this is your stop, a beach lined with demons! Bring her in snappy now!
- The ship turns, and the fel energy above the Tomb of Sargeras comes into view.
- Helm Russo says: What'due south that ahead?
- Du'pre says: Looks like trouble. Large problem.
- A cutscene takes place as siege cannons start bombarding the ships with fel fireballs.
Phase ii: Tempest The Beach

A spire of woe.
- Destroy all demons and structures on the beach.
- 33 Demons slain
- iii Fel Lords slain
- 3 Spires of Woe destroyed
Once the cutscene finishes, Captain Russo'due south ship is now ashore. On the beach, Vol'jin and Thrall are each leading small squads of Darkspear Headhunters, Darkspear Witch Doctors and Earthen Ring Shamans. Several Cannons-In-Boxes are too hither, manned by Bilgewater Blastmasters. A few Silvermoon Blood Knights are also at that place. Many Horde ships are wrecked around the shoreline and several Wind Riders likewise every bit Riding Bats are dead on the ground. Players so proceeds the For the Horde buff which makes them stronger.
- Thrall says: Looks like our reinforcements take arrived.
- Vol'jin says: Good ting! We don't got much beach left ta retreat to.
- Thrall says: There's but ane fashion out of this ane, former friend.
- Vol'jin yells: Listen up! Dere's just i way offa dis beach, and it exist t'rough alla dose demons ahead of united states of america. Simply dey don't know who dey be dealin' wit. Permit's show dem what it ways ta be Horde!
- Fel Commander Azgalor yells: Go on them away from the spires!
The NPCs charge toward one of the 3 spires, guarded past 11 demons (among them Felguard Legionnaires and Felstalker Dreadhounds) and a Fel Lord (among them Fel Lord Kurrz, Fel Lord Darakk and Fel Lord Razzar) each. Start killing the demons every bit well as the Anchoring Crystals surrounding the Spires of Woe. Thrall realizes that they're important:
- Thrall yells: There'south something odd about the crystals surrounding that spire. They feel... wrong... similar they're in two places at once. Hmm.
- Vol'jin yells: Horde, make for dem crystals! Nosotros gonna see if ya hunch is correct.
- Random yells
- Thrall yells: Back to the Under!
- Thrall yells: Lok'tar ogar!
- Vol'jin yells: Die.
- Vol'jin yells: Dis ane's mine.
- Vol'jin yells: For da Horde!
Subsequently destroying the first spire:
- Thrall yells: Yes... they must anchor it to this world.
- Vol'jin yells: Ii more ta go.
- Fel Commander Azgalor yells: Crush them!
In small groups, follow the NPCs - don't take the pb. Let Vol'jin and Thrall tank! Repeat the process for the second spire:
- Vol'jin yells: Keep information technology up! Nosotros near got dem!
- Fel Commander Azgalor yells: Your corpses volition feed my hounds.
Destroy the third spire to advance to the side by side stage.
Phase three: Defeat the Commander
- Slay Fel Commander Azgalor.
Fel Commander Azgalor slain
- Fel Commander Azgalor yells: Weaklings. Must I practise everything myself? Very well, ready yourselves!
- Vol'jin yells: You gonna die but similar all da others.
- Thrall yells: Focus on the commander!
Azgalor lands in the center of the embankment. Again, permit the NPCs tank him. He has the same area of issue attacks as the fel lords, so they're like shooting fish in a barrel to dodge.
At 75%:
- Fel Commander Azgalor yells: You lot volition all burn!
- Thrall yells: Felfire rains from the sky! Look out!
At 30%:
- Vol'jin yells: Looks like you chose da wrong side.
- Fel Commander Azgalor yells: The master volition mend my flesh again and over again. Yous have not won. You cannot win. We are endless. We are Legion!
- Fel Commander Azgalor yells: I... volition.. return...
Phase 4: Observe the Others

A Legion send bombarding the Alliance'southward forces.
- Locate Sylvanas and Baine.
- Sylvanas and Baine found
- Thrall says: It is skilful to fight with you over again, Warchief.
- Vol'jin says: Own't never gonna get used to you callin' me dat.
- Thrall says: There'south merely one manner to the tomb, are you ready?
- Vol'jin says: Allow'due south go movin'.
Vol'jin, Thrall, and their troops start running uphill to the due north. Keep up.
- Vol'jin says: Sylvanas' ship must 'av crashed just ahead.
- Thrall says: They're expanding faster than we've seen earlier.
- Vol'jin says: Ya, mon. Dis ain't da same Legion.
As the political party crests the hill, looking over a ridge to the due north, the Tomb of Sargeras itself comes into view. A cutscene shows the environs, where a huge demon city and the wreck of the Horde gunship that transported Sylvanas Windrunner tin be seen:
- Thrall says: What?
- Vol'jin says: Dat's no invasion force. Dat's an army!
- Legion ships showtime warping in as the camera tracks to Sylvanas' position, with Baine in tow.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Nock your arrows! Hold! Burn down!
- Sylvanas is surrounded past Nighttime Rangers, Deathguard Elites, Silvermoon Priests and Thunder Bluff Braves. The cutscene ends as Sylvanas' forces are about to assail some other band of demons. The Legion ships starts bombarding the area.
- Thrall yells: They're alive!
- Vol'jin yells: Let's motion!
Follow Vol'jin and Thrall down the loma, dodging the bombardment.
If yous die hither, you lot will be resurrected by Horde Priests working similarly to those in battlegrounds.
Phase 5: Destroy the Portal
- Destroy the demon portal to stop reinforcements.
- Shielded Anchors shattered. (4)
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Information technology's about time you showed upwards!
- Vol'jin says: You looked like y'all could utilize a hand.
- Baine Bloodhoof says: Their reinforcements are endless!
- Thrall says: Those crystals once more... if we tin get close to them, we tin bring this thing downwards.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: You heard him, rangers, we cutting those demons down! Burn down a volley on my mark... NOW!
Finish off the Mo'arg Painbringer, and so blitz the portal. Another painbringer will run out of the portal, but permit the NPCs tank it. Focus instead on the Eredar Chaos Guards protecting the Shielded Anchors.
- Random yells
- Baine Bloodhoof says: To the earth with you lot!
- Baine Bloodhoof says: Take centre, heroes!
- Baine Bloodhoof says: For the Earth Mother!
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: 1 shot, one kill.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Also like shooting fish in a barrel.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Right to the face up!
Phase 6: Raze the Black City

The Black City seen from a ridge.
- Assault the demon city.
- Assault the demon city. (0/100%)
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Well, that was invigorating. Now how did they manage to get so many demons here then quickly?
- Thrall says: This invasion is unlike whatever I have ever witnessed, and I don't think we've seen the last of their surprises.
- Baine Bloodhoof says: These structures rose from the ground in moments, spewing along demons past the hundreds in the blink of an centre.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: And now we know how to destroy them. It'south them or u.s.. Let'south keep moving to make certain it's not us.
As the political party is about to enter the city, many dead Argent Lightbringers can be seen in a gruesome display. They come across a live simply wounded one:
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: This is Argent Crusade insignia, can yous speak? Where is the rest of the crusade?
- Argent Lightbringer says: Expressionless... dying... they descended on u.s.a. in seconds... nowhere to run...
- Vol'jin says: An no sign of Tirion.
- Thrall yells: Nosotros will find him. Horde forces, keep your eyes open up for survivors, rescue every bit many equally yous are able!
Many of the crusaders are impaled on spikes or put on body piles, but some of them are still alive and can exist saved. Start killing demons, freeing trapped crusaders, commandeering unattended cannons, breaking portals, destroying spires, and so on. Don't wander around alone - stick with the friendly NPCs! Freed crusaders volition act as guardians to the player. Doom Shrooms, Moongrasses, Anarchy Clovers, Bleakthorns and Felblooms are local plants that tin can exist clicked on to provide buffs.
Fill the bar to continue.
Stage vii: The Highlord
- Get to Tirion.
- Tirion found
- Vol'jin says: Dey exist retreatin'.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: This was as well easy, something's incorrect.
- Thrall yells: At that place, across the chasm, Gul'dan! He has Tirion!
- The camera tracks across the chasm and some ways abroad to discover Tirion, suspended over a pit of fel lava by Gul'dan!
- Vol'jin yells: All da Horde, get ta Thrall!
On the other side of the cutscene, all players and NPCs have been teleported to Thrall's position near the chasm. He is forming an globe bridge to clear the gap.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Anyone have any ideas how we're going to get across this thing?
- Thrall says: Spirits of world, assist me!
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Convenient.
Cross the earth bridge and follow the trail of dead Argent Lightbringers to the Tomb Arroyo. Tirion Fordring, Gul'dan, and the Alliance forces will exist there equally well.
- King Varian Wrynn yells: Tirion!
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Gul'dan! You volition pay for this!
- Highlord Tirion Fordring says: Stay back... it's a trap... the Calorie-free will protect me...
- Gul'dan yells: Hah, y'all fool! You stand up before the temple of a GOD. Your pitiful Light cannot reach you here. How fortunate that your friends take arrived merely in fourth dimension to spotter you die.
- Krosus, a boss-level demon, appears from the lava.
- Gul'dan yells: Destroy him.
- Krosus channels some kind of breath attack on Tirion.
- Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: The Light... volition... aah! Aaahhhh!!
- Tirion's lifeless corpse falls below the surface of the lava puddle.
- Thrall yells: Fordring!
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: No!
- Gul'dan yells: All you accept worked for, all you accept sacrificed, just to see your champions autumn to ash ane by one.
- Gul'dan yells: Destroy them!
Stage 8: Krosus
- Kill Krosus.
Krosus slain.
- Krosus yells: You will know fear.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Monsters from the felfire! Horde forces, exist set!
Krosus runs through the lava, stopping at the edge of the puddle, conveniently in range of melee attacks. Every bit always, let the NPCs tank. The Krosus encounter is a tank-and spank, and Krosus has a Slam attack that damages enemies within ~x yards or then, an Orb of Destruction that drops a fireball on a ~30-yard radius area of consequence, and a channeled Fel Storm that drops fel fireballs all over the arena for a few seconds. Every 25%, he volition swap to face the other faction, and the Alliance gets starting time crack.
At 75%, Krosus turns to set on the Horde.
- King Varian Wrynn yells: He'due south heading your way, Windrunner!
- Lady Sylvanas Winderunner yells: Permit'due south become, Horde, it'due south time to show the Alliance how nosotros slay demons.
As the Horde were dealing with trash mobs in the first stage, so now will Alliance deal with trash mobs from 75-50%.
At 50%, Krosus turns dorsum to confront the Alliance.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: All yours, Alliance.
- King Varian Wrynn yells: We've got him this fourth dimension! All forces, concentrate your burn down!
Rinse and repeat down to 25%:
- King Varian Wrynn yells: You lot've got some other shot at the impale, Sylvanas!
- Lady Sylvanas Winderunner yells: Consider your job done and so, Wrynn.
Articulate out the trash mobs, and so cease Krosus off.
Final Stage: Hold the Ridge
- Hold the ridge until the Brotherhood have stopped Gul'dan.
- Ridge held.
- King Varian Wrynn yells: Ha, the bigger they are...
- Lady Sylvanas Winderunner yells: No fourth dimension to gloat, Wrynn. We've got to stop Gul'dan before he summons another i of those things!
Thrall apace summons another earth bridge to go up to the ridge overlooking Gul'dan. Just on the other side, Varian and Sylvanas pause for a moment.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Nosotros'll take the ridge and cover your flank.
- King Varian Wrynn says: Sylvanas, thank you.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Good luck, Varian.
- King Varian Wrynn says: And you.
At the top of the ridge, a keen line of demons approaches every bit Sylvanas and her dark rangers take upwardly position to support the Alliance as Varian confronts Gul'dan below:
- King Varian Wrynn yells: In that location is nowhere to run, Gul'dan. Give up now, and I will grant you a swift death.
- Gul'dan yells: Run? Ha. Y'all are right, human. There is nowhere to run from my principal. Now, witness the truthful might of Lord Sargeras!
Afterward the outset group of demons is felled, another group spawns. At present, if you approach the demon portal too much you will exist insta-killed by the gaze of Sargeras himself,[ane] with the message "You feel a staggering presence on the other side of the portal touch you for a moment...".
- Baine Bloodhoof says: Down the ridge behind us, another portal!
- Vol'jin says: We've got ta concur dis ridge, no matter da cost.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Take up positions. We agree them off. We have to.
- Vol'jin says: Even more demons be pouring from that portal. Become ready!
The demonic hordes become even more than numerous on the ridge as Varian continues to boxing Gul'dan's forces down below:
- King Varian Wrynn yells: We will never fall to you lot, Gul'dan. The combined forces of Azeroth will triumph today.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Less chatting, Wrynn. Kill him already!
- Gul'dan yells: I accept seen the end of your deplorable globe, Wrynn. You volition perish in felfire, like ten one thousand worlds before your own. The legion is Countless.
More than demons, as well as blasts of felfire coming from Legion ships summoned by the eredar Vizuul the Twisted. All of the demons who will later be leading Legion Invasions are besides there.
- Baine Bloodhoof yells: I cannot... take much more of this...
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Pull Baine back to my position, shut ranks!
- Thrall yells: At that place are... too many of them...
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Anybody pull dorsum to me! We brand our stand here!
The side by side moving ridge starts to attack as a cutscene plays, ending the scenario and the quest.
- While Sylvanas and her dark rangers blast felbats out of the sky, a scream from behind her forces her to plough - she sees Thrall lying on the ground, wounded, as Baine kills a felguard nearby and Vol'jin deflects a blow with his brusk blades.
- Vol'jin: Dere comin' from behind! Cover da flanks!
- Equally he speaks, a felguard stabs him in the abdomen with its spear.
- Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Warchief!
- Vol'jin smashes through the spear caput with his fist, leaving the broken tip embedded in his torso, then kills the felguard earlier collapsing, one tusk breaking off as he hits the basis. Mounting her skeletal horse, Sylvanas rides to his side, pulling him into the saddle. She looks up to come across some other open portal and nearly endless waves of demons, then looks down to Vol'jin.
- Vol'jin: Practice not permit da Horde... die... dis day...
- Vol'jin falls unconscious. Closing her eyes, her expression pained, Sylvanas raises a horn to her lips and blows a mighty boom, calling her val'kyr downward to save the wounded. Baine carries an unconscious Thrall away equally Sylvanas rides back to her ship with Vol'jin in tow. Meanwhile, back in front of the Tomb of Sargeras, the Skyfire comes in to pick upwardly the Alliance survivors, blasting felbats out of the skies.
- Genn Greymane: Without the Horde, we'll be overrun! Nosotros must retreat!
- Varian sheathes Shalamayne every bit another rank of felguards approaches.
- Varian Wrynn: Get everyone to the gunship.
- Genn Greymane: Everyone! FALL Back!
- Growling in frustration, Varian climbs the rope ladder to the deck. In front end of the Tomb of Sargeras, Gul'dan laughs every bit he raises his staff, opening a portal from higher up the Tomb, releasing a massive brawl of felfire at the Skyfire.
- Genn Greymane: INCOMING! Hard to port!
- The Skyfire moves rapidly to port to avoid the fireball, which explodes on the ground below, shaking the gunship. Varian hangs on for dear life, but several Stormwind guards are knocked off and sent into the flames...from which emerges a massive fel reaver, which grasps the deck of the ship. Greymane shifts back into his human grade and holds out his hand.
- Genn Greymane: Varian! Have my hand!
- Stormwind Guard: We can't break free!
- The send tilts most 90 degrees as the fel reaver drags it towards the basis. Mekkatorque grabs the opposite railing and those within reach, but many other Stormwind soldiers are seen falling off the ship. Closing his eyes for a moment, Varian makes a decision...
- Genn Greymane: Varian! VARIAN!
- Varian reaches up...and hands Greymane a letter to Anduin, the ane he narrated during the Legion introduction.
- Varian Wrynn: Take this... to my son.
- Greymane nods... as Varian leaps from the ladder, sword in hand, and impales the fel reaver through its armored caput, breaking its grip on the Skyfire.
- Genn Greymane: Go go go!
- The Skyfire goes to full speed as Varian thrusts the sword completely through the motorcar's armored head, bringing information technology crashing and exploding down to the ground. Every bit he regains his bearings, Varian sees Gul'dan, with another rank of felguards approaching. Splitting his bract into Shalla'tor and Ellemayne, Varian begins cutting through the demons, but he is overwhelmed equally a felguard slashes him across his back, losing one of the blades...and then he is impaled from behind past two felguards' spears, dropping his other sword, and brought to his knees before Gul'dan.'
- Gul'dan: You will be remembered as the king who sacrificed his life... for NOTHING.
- Animate heavily, Varian raises his caput and glares defiantly at Gul'dan.
- Varian Wrynn: For the Alliance.
- Laughing, Gul'dan begins overloading Varian's body with fel energy. Varian screams as the power overwhelms him, and finally explodes. From the deck of her ship, Sylvanas gazes silently at the shore as she holds the steering wheel, sailing back to Durotar. Discarded on the shoreline, the glow in the hilts of Varian'south fallen blades fades and disappears.
On the other side of the scenario, the histrion is back on the dock in Bladefist Bay in Durotar. Speak with Eitrigg, waiting ahead on the dock, to proceed.
[10-45] Legion: The Legion Returns
[10-45] To Be Prepared
[10-45] The Boxing for Broken Shore
[10-45] Fate of the Horde
[10-45] Emissary
[10-45] Demons Among Us
[10-45] Go on Your Friends Shut
[x-45] Calling of the Council — to the next story arc
Patch changes
Patch seven.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.
- ^
External links
- Wowhead
- Wowhead
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